Protest Signs

Since the first Women’s March in 2017, I have been creating massive embroidered protest signs for actions I attend. These signs take me dozens of hours and the creation of them gives me ample time to reflect on my intention for my involvement. Naturally, there’s not always enough lead time, as so many actions are immediate. Below are the ones I had time to prepare for.

If you want to create your own, I use a 23” round quilters hoop or a 27” oval quilters hoop. Bright background fabric (cotton) with high contrast embroidery floss seem to read best.

I found that the applique technique I used for the pride sign was the most visible from a distance. The sun tends to shine through the fabric and make it challenging to read if you don’t add a backing, so I always cut another piece of the same fabric and use it to back the hoop.

Fair warning: it gets heavy after a bit.


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